About Me

Welcome to my photography blog. Im studying Journalism at University and want to become a photojournalist. I have a passion for photography and skiing. I use a Nikon D90 with either a 70-105mm or 300mm lens.

Monday 19 September 2011

Camp Muhaka (June 2011)

 The beginning of Camp Kenya. I arrived at Muhaka, the main camp, two days late after being diagnosed wrong. No one was around as it was R&R day, sunday. I was still quite exhausted due to being ill. Sammy D and Quant had saved me a bed, got unpacked and then had lunch at main eating area, soon to be nicknamed 'The Crucible'. Suddenly i heard the sound of a trucks engine and voices, lots of voices. I distinctly remembering one of the girls say 'Is that the new guy?'. I was quite anxious but I was soon to find out that they were some of the nicest people I have ever met. The next day was World Environment day, so we teamed up with the community and two schools to plant trees in a section of the forest that had been cleared.
Joe with a child from the Village
Tom giving one of the village children a piggy-back

Three girls from the local school who was helping us on World Environment Day

WWF presentation in Kaya camp, down the road from Muhaka, after we planted the trees

Myself with one of the teenagers from the Village, we partnered up with some of the villagers to get to know them 

Lucy in her Camp International T-Shirt

D having a go on a villagers bike

Teachers sitting outside the local school on there break

The pit, which was one of the projects that we worked on in Muhaka, was a drop-toilet we were building for the local community. It had to be 15 feet deep, not a small hole

One of the Camp Kenya Staff being helped out of The Pit, by some of the children

At the end of the week, we spent a day on a local farm nearby. They were sustainable farmers and sold what they didnt use in the market at the end of the week. They grew coconuts, maze, root vegetables and also had live stock, including goats which we took for a walk! 

A well in the farm

Taking the goats for a walk

One of the staff made a hat out of the leaves off a coconut tree

Villagers making a fishing boat carved from a tree trunk

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